Explore Engineering Spaces & Equipment
The Engine has a broad spectrum of professionally-managed rapid prototyping facilities and equipment to help you develop and scale your technology.
Contact us to see full equipment inventory.
Industrial Space
High-bay industrial space with the power and space to support heavy equipment. Our facilities team is available to coordinate any modifications to the space.
Rapid Prototyping Shops
Build with a comprehensive suite of professional-quality rapid prototyping tools, including a diverse array of 3D printers from desktop FDM to Polyjet, CNC lathe and mills, a waterjet, laser cutters and a fully-equipped electronics lab.
3D Print Shop
- Stratasys J55 Polyjet
- Stratasys F370 FDM
- Formlabs Form 4
- Markforged Desktop Printers
- Prusa MK4 FDM (multiple)

Machine Shop
- Prototrak K3 RMX Knee Mill
- Prototrak 1630RX KLX Lathe
- Haas Super Mini Mill 2 CNC Mill
- Protomax Waterjet
- Miller MIG and TIG Welders
- Bandsaws, Drill Press, Grinders, Blast Cabinet, and Other Peripheral Machine Tools
- Hilti Power Tools: Angle Grinders, Drills, and more
- An extensive, well-stocked array of hand tools

Rapid Fabrication Shop
- 120W CO2 Laser Cutter
- Epilog Fiber Laser Cutter
- Thermoformer
- Desktop Router
- Thermal Camera

Electronics Shop
- Basic Tools: Oscilloscopes, Power Supplies, Function Generators, Fluke Multimeters
- Analysis Tools: Logic Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzer, Keysight Microwave Analyzer Electronic Load
- Prototyping Tools: Metcal Soldering Stations, Reflow Oven, PCB CNC Mill

Engineering & Fabrication Services
Consult with our team of engineers on anything from component selection to design for manufacturability. We’re ready to teach you how to use any of our tools, fabricate prototypes for your team at-cost, or connect you with the best available external resources.
Get in touch
Access to External Facilities
Don’t see the equipment you need? The Engine Room program connects residents with facilities across New England with extra lab space, specialized equipment, and contractors to supplement the resources found at The Engine. Pictured: Harvard Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS)
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