The Engine hosted First Lady Jill Biden to announce the 100 million ARPA H Sprint for Women's Health initiative.
Ali Zaidi, Assistant to the President National Climate Advisor, presents on climate policy paradigms at the 2024 Tough Tech Summit.
MA Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey joined for the milestone groundbreaking of Commonwealth Fusion Systems new headquarters in Devens, MA.
Ian Watson Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical and Biological Defense speaking about biosurveillance the 2024 Tough Tech Summit.
MA Governor Maura Healey visits Boston Metal's headquarters in Woburn, MA.
MA Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao speaks to the power of Team Massachusetts at the inaugural Tough Tech Week 2024.
How We Help
The Engine bridges the gap between Tough Tech founders and the public stakeholders that enable their success.
Engaging the Public Sector
At the Engine, we help foster relationships between policymakers, Tough Tech founders, and other key stakeholders to raise awareness of the challenges facing Tough Tech and create opportunities to nurture their success.
Access to Non-dilutive Capital
Public funding is a vital source of non-diluted capital for Tough Tech founders. We help founders access and apply for public funding opportunities, while working with policymakers to maximize their impact.
Convening Decision Makers
The Engine regularly curates gatherings between public policymakers and founders to highlight the cross-sector reach of Tough Tech and foster dialogue among key stakeholders.
A Platform to Support Regional Innovation Ecosystems
In partnership with the National Science Foundation (NSF), The Builder Platform, powered by The Engine, is supporting ten regional innovation engines. The Builder Platform accelerates regional ecosystems into a force multiplier for the national economy, helping create thriving communities that drive lasting economic and societal impact.
“The Engine has gone above and beyond in providing invaluable public affairs support. They helped us design and implement effective stakeholder-engagement frameworks, facilitated critical introductions to leaders in the public and private sectors, and even positioned Sublime for inclusion in third-party government funding applications. This holistic support has been pivotal in expanding our network and growth prospects.”
Joe HickenSVP Business Development and Policy, Sublime Systems
Co-Founders of Sublime Systems
“The Engine’s Public Affairs team has helped us tremendously in navigating policy changes and funding opportunities at the state and federal level. Moreover, they have coached us through structuring our future legislative affairs needs, resulting in a Head of Government job description and recruiting process as well as introductions to high-level candidates for the position.”
Tim Menke, PhDCo-founder & COO, Atlantic Quantum
The Atlantic Quantum Leadership team
“Working with The Engine has been great. Both their team and the experts they bring in have been a huge help in shaping our strategy on government relations, facility siting, and financing projects.”
Ciaran DunnVP of Engineering at Circe Bioscience
Circe Bioscience founder Shannon Nangle
“In Tough Tech, founders are building new industries faster than regulation can keep up. Our job at the Engine is to engage government officials at the state, local, and federal level to make it easier for founders to get breakthrough ideas out of the lab.”
Ben DowningChief Growth Officer, The Engine
Join the Ecosystem.
If you’re in the public sector and would like to learn more, collaborate on an event, or meet with our Tough Tech founders, we’d love to hear from you.